Battle thy Chaos.

Harness Executive Function. Optimize Your Productivity.

The Problem.

When you have ADHD, living a ‘normal’, organized life can seem impossible. You're either completely unorganized or extremely structured, with no middle ground. Life becomes a series of missed deadlines and constant chaos.“The toughest thing is the constant failures and it being seemingly impossible to improve.”

Empower Your Daily Life.

1. Visualise Your Tasks.

Feel the relief of seeing all your tasks clearly laid out.
MyndMap helps you visualize your day, reducing overwhelm and giving you a sense of direction.

2. Smart Prioritisation.

Stop feeling scattered and start focusing on the tasks that truly matter.MyndMap's smart prioritization ensures you spend your energy where it counts the most.

3. Flexible Reminders.

Never miss an important task again.
With flexible reminders tailored to your needs, you’ll stay on track effortlessly, reducing anxiety and last-minute rushes.

What MyndMappers are saying...

"Finally, a to-do app that understands executive function challenges! The frequent reminders and automatic task prioritisation helps me stay focused; tips after completing tasks are a nice touch too."

Anna Lewis - Student

"MyndMap is so simple to use but man, it really works! It's super effective and has made my life so much easier. "

Bobby Oslo - QA Tester

"The customizable reminders and priority system keep me on track without feeling overwhelmed."

Kamil Maruszak - Student

"I was skeptical about using MyndMap since I don’t have ADHD, but its simplicity won me over. The straightforward layout makes it easy to organise my day, and it's surprisingly effective at keeping me on track."

Olivia James - Software Developer

FAQ (aka the good stuff)

My data? (super duper important)

At MyndMap, we prioritise your privacy. Your data will only be used to enhance your experience within the app. We will never sell or share your information with third parties.Advanced encryption methods are also used to ensure that your information is protected at all times.

What is MyndMap based on?

MyndMap is based on evidence-based principles of cognitive psychology and behavioral science. It incorporates techniques used in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to help users structure their tasks in a manageable way.MyndMap emphasises prioritisation and clear task visualisation to help users stay focused and achieve their goals.

What is MyndMap backed by?

The development of MyndMap involved consultation with experts in the field of psychology to ensure that the tools and techniques used are effective and grounded in scientific research.This underscores MyndMap's reliability and effectiveness in helping users manage their time and tasks better.

Can I use MyndMap if I don't have ADHD?

Absolutely! While MyndMap is designed to assist those with ADHD, it is beneficial for anyone looking to improve their organisation and productivity.

Take the First Step...

Enlist to signup for private beta access!

© MyndMap Inc LTD 2024. All rights reserved.


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